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Suite 9B, 818 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why, NSW 2099
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Unit 3/2 Delmar Parade Dee Why NSW 2099
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March 13, 2019
Dental Implants

If you are tired of missing teeth that limit your diet, cause you to speak differently or make you hesitant to show off your smile, you might consider dental implants in our North Curl Curl dental clinic. Dental implants might seem relatively new, but they have provided solutions for patients for decades, and getting them is easier than ever.

Dental Implants Have a High Success Rate

Healthy patients who opt for dental implants and follow treatment recommendations enjoy a success rate of about 95 per cent. The biggest threat to dental implants is gum disease, so making sure you follow home care instructions precisely along with your active maintenance schedule, you should encounter few problems with dental implants.

Dental implant crowns, made of aesthetic ceramic, are durable but not indestructible. If you damage a crown by biting into something hard, we can replace it without hurting the dental implant screw’s stability.

Dental Implants Perform and Look Like Natural Teeth

Unlike dental bridges, dental implants are single units that you can brush and floss normally. Without metal crown margins, your dental implant will look natural with your smile.

Because dental implants actually fuse with the jawbone, you do not need to restrict your diet. You can eat all of the foods you love, as long as you use some common sense caution by treating your dental implant with the same caution as natural teeth. Eat blue steak and all of the crunchy vegetables you love, but avoid biting into fruit stones and anything that could damage tooth enamel.

If you have a nighttime teeth grinding habit, called bruxism, our dentists may recommend the use of a nightguard.

To learn more about dental implants in North Curl Curl, or to book a consultation in our dental clinic, give us a call! We offer implant treatment along with other tooth replacement options.

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